Cainta, Rizal, Philippines
I am an artist. My primary specialty is 3D and digital graphics but I also explore traditional media like watercolors, oil and acrylic. I do technical illustrations of architectural works like enhanced plans and perspectives. I also have lately been creating ad-like content for the broadcast media. This site is a collection of the work I have done.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nike Shoe-Airbrush

This is the raw graphics for the virtual project for Nike. This is inserted live during basketball broadcast in ESPN Asia.

Paintings of Anansi Boys

These two paintings were inspired by Neil Gaiman's novel: Anansi Boys.

acrylic on canvas, 12" x 18"
Bird, a diety character in the novel, has its origin from African mythology. This painting is for sale. If you are interested, please email me.

Trio at Dawn
waterolor on paper, 11" x 17"
This is a depiction of the last chapter of the book.